Hey! get out of my way

Sebenarnya ini beda kasus, tp klo di sambung2in ya nyambung aja. 2 hari yg lalu kan gw ntn film the Wrestler di DVD (yeah maaf sy mendahului bioskop hueheuheu), ada adegan yg paling gw ingat, and somehow gw tau bgt gmn perasaan si Stephanie. Jadi ceritanya tuh, ada seorang Wrestler yg berjaya di tahun 80-an, tp di balik kejayaannya itu dia merasa kesepian dan sendiri. Apalagi setelah 20 tahun kemudian, saat dia udah mulai tua dan di vonis punya penyakit jantung, dia udah ga boleh utk ber-wrestling lg. Disaat itulah, dia mau menjalin hubungan baik dgn anaknya (entah ibunya siapa hehe) yg udah lama tdk dia urus. But it's too late.. (to apologize.. eh jd nyanyi :p ). Setelah sekian lama ga ketemu, pas ketemu, anaknya bilang : "what do you want?? where are you when I need you??, I'm so fucking tired to cry". (yah begitulah kira2, lupa jg sih persisnya ngomong apa hehe). Tp yg namanya cewe  (dan jg sbg anak), pas si bapak ngomong gini: "And now, I'm an old broken down piece of meat... and I'm alone. And I deserve to be alone. I just don't want you to hate me".Akhirnya Stephanie luluh jg. Eh ga berapa lama, bapaknya udah ngecewain lg, hilanglah kesempatan utk memperbaiki hubungan itu. Dan Stephanie memilih utk mati rasa aja sm dia.
Ok, sounds familiar? mirip2 hubungan percintaan siapa ya ini.. du dududu.. hehehe..
Yup, gw jg ga ngerti deh knp kok cowo bisa begitu. Egosentris sekali, kok bisa2nya klo lg merasa rindu atau lg berasa kesepian baru deh nyari2 org siapa yg kira2 bisa care sm dia. Hellooow.. this is not always about you ya..
Mending kita nyanyi rame2:

Listen baby, thoughts has crossed my mind
and it's clear now, you are not my kind
oh! I've tried boy better ways to say what I feel now
it seems you plan to stay but I won't waste a day
so I say...

hey! get out of my way hey! hey! hey!
you've always been in my way

Hear now honey, I'll be good to you
if you stay gone far out of my view
I'm sick and tired of your dramatic ways
and when I think of all those wasted days
I shake loose of your laces
and say...

hey! get out of my way hey! hey! hey!
you've always been in my way

this is all that I will say, this is all that I will do
I'm not in love with you!

(The Cardigans)