Taxi Driver

Genre: Drama
Directed by: Martin Scorsese

Nonton film ini kyanya ga diragukan lagi deh klo dari 1-10, dikasih nilai 9. Gw suka banget sm plot dan dialog2nya. Dengan bahasa jujur seadanya, kita jadi ngerti bgt apa yag di rasain Travis Bickel (di perankan oleh Robert De Niro), si supir taksi insomnia yang lebih memilih bekerja pada malam hari. Pada awalnya kita akan mengira klo si Travis ini agak aneh atau sedikit ‘phsyco’, karena menjalani hidup sendiri, merasa kesepian dan juga terlalu kritis terhadap apa yg dia liat, belum lagi kebiasaannya menghabiskan waktu dengan ntn film porno di bioskop khusus org dewasa. Ternyata hal ini ga menjadikan Travis bagian dari org2 ‘gila’ diluar sana, justru di dalam film ini gw melihat Travis adalah org yg paling ‘normal’, jujur, polos, dan sangat peduli dengan keadaan sekitarnya. Dia muak dengan keadaan jalanan yg selalu dia liat setiap malam.
Travis: All the animals come out at night - whores, skunk pussies, buggers, queens, fairies, dopers, junkies, sick, venal. Someday a real rain will come and wash all this scum off the streets.

Sampai pada suatu hari Travis bertemu Iris (Joddie Foster), seorang pelacur di bawah umur, sehingga timbul keinginan untuk menolong Iris keluar dari dunia hitam.
Iris: God, you're square.
Travis: Hey, I'm not square, you're the one that's square. Your full of shit, man. What are you talking about? You walk out with those fuckin' creeps and low-lifes and degenerates out on the streets and you sell your little pussy for peanuts? For some low-life pimp who stands in the hall? And I'm square? You're the one that's square, man. I don't go screwing fuck with bunch of killers and junkies like you do. You call that bein' hip? What world are you from?

Keinginan untuk menolong Iris semakin di perkuat dengan nasehat gemblung teman seprofesinya, yang setelah itu membuat Travis jd melakukan perbuatan nekad. Kocak banget percakapan si Travis sm temannya itu hihihi...
Wizard: Look at it this way. A man takes a job, you know? And that job - I mean, like that - That becomes what he is. You know, like - You do a thing and that's what you are. Like I've been a cabbie for thirteen years. Ten years at night. I still don't own my own cab. You know why? Because I don't want to. That must be what I want. To be on the night shift drivin' somebody else's cab. You understand? I mean, you become - You get a job, you become the job. One guy lives in Brooklyn. One guy lives in Sutton Place. You got a lawyer. Another guy's a doctor. Another guy dies. Another guy gets well. People are born, y'know? I envy you, your youth. Go on, get laid, get drunk. Do anything. You got no choice, anyway. I mean, we're all fucked. More or less, ya know.
Travis: I don't know. That's about the dumbest thing I ever heard.
Wizard: It's not Bertrand Russell. But what do you want? I'm a cabbie. What do I know? I don't even know what the fuck you're talking about.
Travis Bickle: Maybe I don't know either.
Huahahaha.. kocak kan.. ngaco tp ada benernya jg omongan si temennya itu :D.

Yaaa... pokoknya terakhirnya si Travis itu berakhir jadi Pahlawan deh.. kok bisa begitu? Mendingan nonton sendiri biar gw ga dibilang terlalu spoiler hehehe (dr td jg udah spoiling bgt).

Good job Mr. Martin! ;)